How to Decipher the Physical Examination Note

You may see something like this when you view your physical examination notes



GEN- A+OX3, NAD, resting comfortably 

HEENT– NCAT, PERLA, EOMI, anicteric, oropharynx moist –exudates 

NECK- Supple, no JVD, -LAD 

CVS- RRR, S1S2 -S3S4, 2/6 systolic LLSB, PMI non-displaced 

PULM- Bilat equal BS, CTA, nl WOB 

ABD/GI- nl BS, ND, NTTP, rectal s lesions, stool heme- 

MSK- -CCE, full ROM all exts 

NEURO- CN II-XII intact, motor 5/5 all exts, FNF nl, DTR’s 2+ symmetric  

PSYCH– normal affect, denies SI/HI 


This is incomprehensible to the uninitiated. Fortunately, Template generated and voice transcribed EMR notes eliminate much of the shorthand and use plain English.  But hand-typed notes may still contain many abbreviations and acronyms with which you are probably not familiar.


Below is a system-by-system list of the most common abbreviations you will encounter when trying to read your physical exam notes.


First, here are some general notation pointers.


  • N before an abbreviation generally indicates negative, not present or normal
  • c/w= consistent with, nl=normal,  wnl=within normal limits, s=without, c=with, bl=bilateral
  • s/p:  Status Post: After, in the past. For example CHEST- “S/P CABG” indicates the person has a scar from previous coronary bypass surgery, regardless of how long ago this occured.
  • Grading scales: a finding may come with a grading scale such as “3/5.”  These are standardized ways of describing the intensity or severity of a finding.  Most of these are on a 3-5 or 6 rank scale, with higher numbers indicating a stronger finding. Thus 0/5 indicates complete absence of the finding. For example the motor strength of a paralyzed limb on a scale of 0-5 is 0/5, whereas 5/5  indicates full normal strength.

Scroll over the text to see its meaning


    • NAD diaphoretic, toxicWD, WN,  cachectic, 
    • AOX3
    • AA(m/f), W(m/f)
  • HEENT (Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat)

    • General Inspection: Normocephalic, atraumatic, NCAT
    • Conjunctiva: scleral icterus, icteric, anicteric, injected, conjunctival d/c, SCH
    • Eyes: EOMI, PERLA, OD/OS, proptosis,
    • Throat/mouth- mmm, erythema, exudate, PTA
    • Nose: Rhinorrhea
    • Ears: AD/AS/AU, TM
  • NECK


    • Heart sounds: RRR, +S1S2-S3S4no Rub, no Murmur, no Gallop (-RMG)2/6 systolic
    • Other:  PMI, CR

    • BS, rhonchi, rales, crackles, no r/r/w or no cwr, CTA, WOB

    • BS nl x 4, TTP/NTTP, ND s/nt/nd  HSM, guarding, rebound tenderness, LLQ/RLQ/RUQ/LUQ
    • BRBPRstool heme +/-FOBT, AAA, MS
  • SKIN

    • ecchymoses, SQ, FB, MP

    • MSK, ROM, -c/c/e, CVAT , effusion, BKA/AKA, OA, LE/UE, TTP, STS

    •   CN CNII-XII intactMotor 5/5 all ext’s, FNF, A+O X 3, DTR’s 2+
  • GU Female Pelvic

    • CMT, VB, VD/DC PR/PV
  • Psychiatric

    • SI, HITW/TI/TB

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You may see something like this when you view your physical examination notes


GEN- A+OX3, NAD, resting comfortably 

HEENT– NCAT, PERLA, EOMI, anicteric, oropharynx moist –exudates 

NECK- Supple, no JVD, -LAD 

CVS- RRR, S1S2 -S3S4, 2/6 systolic LLSB, PMI non-displaced 

PULM- Bilat equal BS, CTA, nl WOB 

ABD/GI- nl BS, ND, NTTP, rectal s lesions, stool heme- 

MSK- -CCE, full ROM all exts 

NEURO- CN II-XII intact, motor 5/5 all exts, FNF nl, DTR’s 2+ symmetric  

PSYCH- normal affect, denies SI/HI 



This is incomprehensible to the uninitiated. Fortunately, Template generated and voice transcribed EMR notes eliminate much of the shorthand and use plain English.  But hand-typed notes may still contain many abbreviations and acronyms with which you are probably not familiar.


Below is a system-by-system list of the most common abbreviations you will encounter when trying to read your physical exam notes.


First, here are some general notation pointers.

  • N before an abbreviation generally indicates negative, not present or normal
  • c/w= consistent with, nl=normal,  wnl=within normal limits, s=without, c=with, bl=bilateral
  • s/p:  Status Post: After, in the past. For example CHEST- “S/P CABG” indicates the person has a scar from previous coronary bypass surgery, regardless of how long ago this occured.
  • Grading scales: a finding may come with a grading scale such as “3/5.”  These are standardized ways of describing the intensity or severity of a finding.  Most of these are on a 3-5 or 6 rank scale, with higher numbers indicating a stronger finding. Thus 0/5 indicates complete absence of the finding. For example the motor strength of a paralyzed limb on a scale of 0-5 is 0/5, whereas 5/5  indicates full normal strength.


  • Constitutional (general appearance)

    • NAD (No Acute Distress)
    • Diaphoretic (sweaty)
    • Toxic (appearing critically ill)
    • WD, WN (Well Developed, Well-Nourished
    •  Cachectic (waisted, emaciated)
    • AOX3 (Alert and Oriented to person, place, time)
    • AA(m/f), W(M/F) (African American, White Male/Female)
  • HEENT (Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat)

    • Normocephalic; the head appears normal
    •  Atraumatic; no evidence of trauma to the head,
    • NCAT; NormoCephalic ATraumatic
    • Conjunctiva: scleral icterus, icteric, anicteric, injected, conjunctival d/c, SCH
    • Eyes: EOMI, PERLA, OD/OS, proptosis,
    • Throat/mouth- mmm, erythema, exudate, PTA
    • Nose: Rhinorrhea
    • Ears: AD/AS/AU, TM
  • NECK

    • JVD, HJR,  TMG,LAD

    • Heart sounds: RRR, +S1S2,  -S3S4,  no Rub, no Murmur, no Gallop (-RMG), 2/6 systolic
    • Other:  PMI, CR

    • BS, rhonchi, rales, crackles, no r/r/w or no cwr, CTA, WOB

    • BS nl x 4, TTP/NTTP, ND s/nt/nd  HSM, guarding, rebound tenderness, LLQ/RLQ/RUQ/LUQ
    • BRBPR,  stool heme +/-,  FOBT, AAA, MS
  • SKIN

    • ecchymoses, SQ, FB, MP

    • MSK, ROM, -c/c/e, CVAT , effusion, BKA/AKA, OA, LE/UE, TTP, STS

    •   CN CNII-XII intact,  Motor 5/5 all ext’s, FNF, A+O X 3, DTR’s 2+
  • GU Female Pelvic

    • CMT, VB, VD/DC PR/PV
  • Psychiatric

    • SI, HI,  TW/TI/TB

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